Free 2 Year Childcare Entitlements
Serendipitys is an approved provider and we can offer free childcare to eligable 2 year old children. The funding can start from the term after their 2nd Birthday.
For your child to be eligable for the Free 2-year-old childcare they need to reside in England and meet one of the following criteia:
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Universal Credit – if you and your partner have a combined income from work of £15,400 or less a year, after tax tax credits and you have an income of £16,190 or less a year, before tax
- the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- support through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act
- the Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (the payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)